Delivery Service
Calculation of Delivery Service
For purchases over HK$1400 or more, you can enjoy one-time free local delivery service.
If less than HK$1400, a basic delivery service fee of
A.HK$140(KLN)/150(HK/NT) for commercial areas
B. HK$160(KLN)/170(HK/NT) for residential areas (excluding village houses) will be charged.
*There will be additional charges for the following areas:
HK$100: Urban Village House Address
HK$150: Tung Chung, Sai Kung, Stanley, Ma Wan, Chek Lap Kok (including Hong Kong International Airport) and Hong Kong Disneyland.
HK$350: Discovery Bay, Lantau Island, Ngong Ping 360, Cheung Chau, Lamma Island, Mui Wo, Tai O.
Delivery Service Schedule and Area
The order is delivered within 4-6 days after payment made. It will be postponed in case of public holiday.
Delivery service are Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm, except Sundays and public holidays.
Delivery service is limited to designated areas and fixed addresses in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and parts of the New Territories. Please contact us if you have other special delivery addresses.